Sunday, 31 August 2014


Even Super Villains need advice... and role models.

Founder of Wikileaks

Is Julian Assange a real life super villain?  He is in the eyes of some, but let's test it by applying 10 Rules to Tell if a Character is a Super-villain to him.

Code Name

Real Name:
  • Julian Paul Hawkins/Julian Paul Assange

Other Names:
  • Mendax - Hacker name.

Distinctive Look

  • I really don't think I have to put anything here.  I mean, really?  You can't question this one at all.

Giant Building & Vehicles

  • He lives in a huge evil looking building.  It doesn't, however, belong to Assange, apparently actual belonging to Ecuador.   However, is that thing in the middle of the town he was born (see below) a hill or a castle?  And does it have secret tunnels/bunkers under it?

Shady Past

  • Born in Townsville, Queensland, Australia.  Known super villains hang out.
  • Moved up to 30 times during his childhood.
  • Arrested as a hacker as a teenager (see Criminal below).


  • A hacker starting in 1987, he is alleged to have hacked into the Pentagon, US Dept Defence, NASA and the US Navy among others.  He was charged with 3 counts of hacking and related crimes by the Australian Federal Police in 1991.
  • Accused of non-consentual acts during consensual sex in Sweden in 2001.


  • In 1993 assisted the Victorian Police Child Exploitation Unit with technical advice and prosecutions.
  • In 1997 invented deniable encryption with the Rubberhouse file system.
  • Was a member of the Australian Journalists Union and remains an honourary member.

Working for the Greater Good

  • Published a patient granted to the NSA for voice-data harvesting technology, stating that everyone should be afraid of it.
  • Founded Wikileaks in 2006 as a place to for anonymous leaks of classificated information.


  • Raffi Khatchadourian, a reporter for the New Yorker magazine who spent several weeks travelling with him:
"He creates this atmosphere around him where the people who are close to him want to care for him to help keep him going."
I would say that probably has something to do with his charisma.


  • A hacker starting in 1987, he is alleged to have hacked into the Pentagon, US Dept Defence, NASA and the US Navy among others.  He was charged with 3 counts of hacking and related crimes by the Australian Federal Police in 1991.
  • In 1997 invented deniable encryption with the Rubberhouse file system.

Action Villain

  • Keeps fit by boxing.

- DUG.

The above is a work of fiction, an similarity to actual persons living or dead is quite possibly the point, but is not meant to prove that they are actually Super Villains.  We leave it up to them to do that themselves.

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