Wednesday, 4 December 2013

REAL LIFE SUPER VILLAIN - Joyce "Madam Mayhem" McKinney

Even Super Villains need advice... and role models.

Joyce Bernann McKinney

Not every Supervillain is a Bond style Mastermind.  Some are comic book Catwoman-style villains.  Do the film rules from 10 Rules to Tell If A Character is a Supervillain apply to her?

Thursday, 7 November 2013


Even Super Villains need advice... and role models.

Russian President (2000 - 2008, 2012 - )

Russian Prime Minister (1999-2000, 2008 – 2012)

Is Vladimir Putin a real life super villain?  A lot of people say yes, but let's test it by applying 10 Rules to Tell if a Character is a Super-villain to him.


Even Super Villains need advice and role models.

Super-villains. A staple of comic books and movies for over a thousand centuries (perhaps less) but are they just fiction or are they something more? Using the 10 Rules to Tell if a Character is a Super-villain I thought I'd explore the possibilities that they may exist in the real world.

I've got some ideas about who are possible contenders, but if you have any suggests... please feel free to comment.

~ DUG.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

TEN RULES - How To Tell If A Character is a Super Villain.

Even Super Villains need advice.

Most movies have villains. whether it's just another term for the antagonist or an actual character that behaves in a villainous manner.  Then there are Supervillains.  The Supervillain is more than just a villain, but how much more and how can you tell?